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Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Standing by her man: Denise Richards says she still has faith in Charlie Sheen after 'drunk and naked' incident in hotel


Keeping mum: Denise Richards steps out in New York last night without the kids - she is refusing to deny or confirm Sheen's story

Police called to Charlie Sheen's New York hotel room early on Tuesday morning following call about 'disturbed individual'

Sheen found 'naked and drunk' with an alleged porn star locked in the closet
PR team claims Sheen's behaviour due to 'allergic reaction to medication'

Sheen claims reports are 'overblown' - but refuses to admit what actually happened
Ex-wife Denise Richards says: 'I still have faith in him'

Denise Richards has spoken out in support of ex-husband Charlie Sheen after reports that he allegedly wrecked a hotel suite after an encounter with a porn star on Monday night.

Richards, 39, was with their two daughters in a hotel room across the corridor from Sheen when the alleged incident happened.

And she is the one who helped her ex-husband get to a hospital that night.

Richards appeared on the Today show this morning and insisted she 'can't control what happened' but still has 'a lot of faith in my ex.'

And she continues to stay loyal to Sheen, dodging questions about the incident while on a media blitz for her upcoming TV show Blue Mountain State.

She told talk show host Joy Behar: 'I do know what happened. I would rather Charlie [talk about it]. I did help him at the hospital.'

Across the hall: Denise and the two children were just across the corridor from Sheen when he was having his alleged adverse reaction to medication

And when asked how Sheen was feeling, Richards replied: 'I'll let you ask Charlie.'
Richards, who divorced Sheen in 2006, said she was also remaining silent about the incident for the sake of their daughters Sam, six, and Lola, five.

She said: 'My daughters are five and six years old. They're at an age when they can start to understand. They have no idea what happened.

Calm before the storm: Just hours before the scandal erupted Sheen visited the Natural History Museum with his ex-wife and two daughters

'A lot of our stuff happened when they were much younger, which I'm so grateful for. We're in an amazing place, we've been getting along great for the last year and a half and we're doing our best.

'As far as that situation goes, I'm trying to protect the girls from it as much as possible.

Asked whether Sheen was a good father, Richards replied: 'He comes over for dinner, he is at school functions, he comes to birthday parties, so yeah.
'He's their Dad and I have a lot of faith in him.'

The estranged wife: Brooke Mueller steps out in LA holding little son Bob

Estranged: Brooke and Charlie married in 2008 but separated in December 2009 after he was charged with domestic abuse

Messy: The trashed hotel room where Charlie Sheen was found 'drunk and naked' with an alleged prostitute on Monday night

The 45-year-old is insisting that the reports are exaggerated, and have nothing to do with what happened that night.

'Oh my man, I’m fine,' he told RadarOnline.
'The story is totally overblown and overplayed as far as the reality of the scenario.'

But while Sheen, who is the highest paid actor on TV, is adamant that the story is not accurate, he refuses to say what actually did happen on Monday night.

He says: 'I know what went down and that’s where it will stay... under wraps.'

Denial: Sheen says the reports of what happened at The Plaza are exaggerated
Pictures of the hotel room show that it is in disarray, with pillows all over the place and broken furniture

Sheen's PR team decided that the actor merely had an adverse reaction to some medicine, and that's what explained his destructive and angry behaviour.

This is despite the fact that the actor himself has made absolutely no confirmation that (legal) drugs had anything to do with it.

His publicist said: 'What we are able to determine is that Charlie had an adverse reaction to some medication and was taken to the hospital, where he is expected to be released tomorrow.'

And the actor's lawyer also went with the allergic reaction line, adding: 'We think he had an allergic reaction to some medicine.'
Well, that's certainly some allergy.

Trouble: Charlie Sheen, seen here in New York on Sunday, was allegedly found drunk and naked in his hotel room

Security guards at the Plaza Hotel on Fifth Avenue discovered Sheen naked and drunk at 2am early Tuesday morning in his hotel room. Tables and chairs were said to have been thrown around Sheen’s room and a chandelier damaged.

However, after a day-long stay in hospital on Tuesday, Sheen was released and will return to work later this week in Los Angeles.

His manager Mark Burg said: 'Charlie will be working this week doing a cameo role, playing himself, in a small movie as a favor to a friend and has every intention of going back to work on Two and a Half Men on next Tuesday. He's looking forward to working.'

Sheen is now thought to be planning to check into rehab following the incident and is still in the process of deciding which facility he will check into.

However, he is considering returning to Promises in Malibu.
'Charlie is going back to rehab,' a U.S. source said. 'That’s his plan right now. He knows he has to do something.'

The star of TV sitcom Two And A Half Men told police that he had snorted a recreational drug, according to sources quoted in the New York Post.
His female guest has been identified as porn star Christina Walsh by several American media outlets.

U.S. magazine Life & Style reported that the 22-year-old was found screaming inside a locked closet.

‘She was fearing for her life and was naked,’ a source told its website.
'Charlie was incoherent but started screaming slurs at the cops.

‘They recognised him immediately and gave him two options: they could take him to the hospital or take him down to the station. Charlie chose the hospital.

Police said they responded to a call from the Plaza about an ‘emotionally disturbed individual’ who was said to be ‘intoxicated and irrational’.

Lady in red: The actress looked worried and concerned as she left the Plaza hotel last night

Drunken rampage: The Eloise Suite at The Plaza Hotel, where Sheen is alleged to have thrown chairs and tables and damaged the chandelier

Sheen, who is paid £600,000 an episode for his role in Two And A Half Men, was allegedly taken by ambulance to hospital ‘for alcohol abuse and psychological evaluation’.

Richards was seen looking sombre and wearing dark sunglasses as she left the Plaza Hotel last night.

Before the incident occurred, the family had been enjoying their time in New York, and Sheen and Richards took their children to see Mary Poppins on Broadway on Sunday.

New York's famed Plaza Hotel was the the site of Sheen's alleged bender, prostitute visit and thorough room trashing

Psychiatric care: Charlie Sheen was assessed in the New York Presbyterian Hospital in Manhattan

Richards, who appeared in the James Bond film The World Is Not Enough, went on Howard Stern’s radio show in the U.S. yesterday and said she had told the children: ‘Daddy had a time-out.’

Sheen, who appeared in hit films Wall Street and Platoon, has battled drug and alcohol addictions.

Last year, he was arrested after a fight with his estranged wife, Brooke Mueller, the mother of his twin toddler sons, who claimed that he had tried to kill her. He pleaded guilty to assault.

source: dailymail